bed bug Pest Prep NYC

24hr help line 800-284-7375


Guaranteed Bed Bug Prep service covering the nyc metro area

What separates Pest Prep NYC from other companies?

We choose to educate our customers, because a prepared mind will have a successful extermination.

Bed Bug Prep NYC

Richard Kane


        Has the reality of having bed bugs, and more importantly what needs to be done to get rid of them taken center stage in your life?  Does it seem like such an arduous task? If so, you are in the right place. Just know you have done nothing wrong, and this is more common than you might think. It's  going to be okay.

         The main reason to hire any prep service is to simply have a professional do the job properly. More specifically to do what the exterminator has asked them to do by giving them what is commonly known as prep instructions in writing. If you are here you probably  have those daunting tasks in front of you. We can help. it is where Pest Prep NYC thrives. If we are involved the bugs never win. We will execute any prep sheet to the letter. Taking all of the "guess work" off the table. Professionally done and guaranteed to be bug free.  By the time we are done the only thing you will have to do is open the door to the exterminator. 

         What separates Pest Prep NYC from other companies. We have chosen to educate our customers. The way we see it, we are in this together.

         Our technicians will effectively prepare for any extermination scenario.                Such as for:

 Chemical Pesticide (standard pesticide)   Cryonite (freezing), Botanical (green)   Aprehend (fungal spore)                       Thermal or heat treatments.

          We are not in any way affiliated to any pest control company or companies, though we work with all of them. This gives us our greatest power, neutrality. Helping you objectively every step of the way. It is irrelevant to us who you or your building choose to use. Our absolute neutrality is the reason why year after year customers choose Pest Prep NYC.


Bed Bug Preparation
Your privacy matters, all Pest Prep vehicles and uniforms are unmarked. The only way your neighbors will know why we are there is if you decide to tell them

Why is prep so important?

           Preparing correctly is the only way to properly exterminate, that is the simple answer. The not so simple answer is as follows. Preparing your entire home is the correct and most prudent way of ridding yourself of  Bed Bugs. Even if you are only seeing bugs in one or two rooms. Bed Bugs will always gravitate to wherever we are resting. So yes, unless you are terribly infested, Bed Bugs will always be concentrated in those rooms. So why prep the entire home? First, the pesticide, whether green or chemical, works over time. It is what is known as a Restricted Active (residual) Pesticide. What this means is that it gets applied throughout your home and will continue to work for 60 or 90 days for the most part. It is restricted for anyone but a licensed exterminator to buy and commercial applicators can use them. With that said, the second reason is best explained with this question.
If you were standing in a room and someone threw tear gas in that room, what would you do other than choke or cry?
The answer is,  you would leave that room. The same thing will happen if you were to only prepare one room. You would just perpetuate this cycle, any living thing will try to survive, and in the long run you will ultimately have to prepare those rooms once they migrate from rooms you have treated correctly to the ones you have not.
We understand, that this task might seem enduring or even impossible. We assure you that it is not, and it wont be as bad to deal with as you might think. With over 10,000 successful preparations under our belt, we know how to fix this for you as painless as possible.
Call us today, we will walk you through this step by step.
Call now 24hr helpline 800-284-7375

In order for a pest control company to effectively treat your home or apartment, it must be prepared accordingly. Unfortunately, the preparation process can be a stressful and time-consuming process, but that's where Pest Prep NYC thrives! We will execute any exterminators prep sheet to the letter. By using our bed bug treatment preparation services, you will have peace of mind that all requirements have been met. Every prep is custom catered to fit the needs of any pest control professionals requirements. We do not make the rules, we follow each exterminators prep requirements to the letter. We guarantee it. Below is exactly how your homes will look once we are done.
White glove, neat, and organized is our signature.


Perfectly prepped for bed bug treatment
bed prepared bed bug Preparation service
Bed Bug Preparation children's toys and stuffed animals
stripped mattress Bed Bug Preparation

Removal and Packing of Clothing and Household Items

Pest Prep NYC will empty dressers, wall units, book shelves, night stands, and other furniture; contents will be thermally sanitized, wrapped, sealed, and placed in the middle of the room. Any items situated on the floor such as clothing, toys, clutter, etc. will also be  sanitized, secured and sealed.

All pictures hanging on the wall will be vacuumed, sanitized, and wrapped. All artwork will be secured and wrapped once deemed bug free. This process is very similar to the way your art would be curated at a gallery or art storage facility.

Children's plush toys and books will be protected by us as well.

Stripping and Dismantling of Bedding


It is of paramount importance to strip bed down to raw mattress and box spring. Without doing this your exterminator will not be able to apply pesticides to area correctly.

We will dismantle your bed when necessary, separating the headboard and foot board from the bed frame. This allows the exterminator to thoroughly treat the structure of your bed. This is done more so for intricate and elaborate beds. simple frames can be treated as is. Either way we have you covered.

Vacuuming & Thermal Sanitizing of Live Bed Bugs & Eggs

Using a high power HEPA MITE vacuum designed for insects, we will vacuum all box springs, mattresses, bed frames, nightstands, tables, chairs, couches, baseboards, rugs, and pictures.

All of our teams are also equipped with three different variations of heat. Critical kill temperature for bed bugs is 135 degrees. our machines produce heat between 185- 225 degrees. Laundry will be removed from closets and dressers, processed by our techs individually, then coupled together with similar items, before we vacuum seal and color code for easy put back once this nightmare is over. 

Perimeter and Electrical Outlet Preparation

We will move couches, wall units, beds, dressers, end tables, nightstands, and all other obstructions three feet from the wall to make the perimeter areas accessible for the exterminator.

Some exterminators will request that face plates on electrical switches and outlets be removed before pesticides can be applied. If this is the case, as per request of your pest control agent, Pest Prep NYC will provide this service so you  are ready for your extermination to begin.

Pest Prep NYC

Our signature

Below are some examples of finished Bed Bug preparations
Finished bed bug Prep examples Finished bed bug preps
and most importantly

We Guarantee all of our work 

Call now 24hr helpline 800-284-7375

A note from our founder,

First and foremost, take a deep breath. Please... try not to panic. I assure you, this is a fixable problem. I know this because I was exactly where you are right now 17 years ago. My family's battle with bed bugs led to the creation of Pest Prep NYC. So don't be embarrassed, you have done nothing wrong. Dealing with bed bugs is more common than you might think.

Now human nature dictates, we tend to make rash decisions under stress. Decisions that we usually regret making in hindsight.  It is important that you understand that this is a process. There is no quick fix, so be careful of companies that claim to fix this problem with one treatment. The average extermination of bed bugs will last for 14 to 21 days or at least two applications of pesticide.          

Now if you have found yourself in this predicament, or just need some advice, don't hesitate to call and ask for me, Richard Kane. I am the founder of Pest Prep NYC and am always here to help. From my earliest memory, my grandfather taught me that kindness is free to give and priceless to receive. So I will leave you for now with this...

The bugs never win.

All the best,


Bed Bug Preparation 5 p's
Call now 24hr helpline 800-284-7375

If bed bugs invade your life, there are some key steps one should always remember... 
  • Factor 1

    The Nymph or birth cycle of the bed bug is 14 days. This means it takes 14 days for an egg to hatch once it has been laid. It will not impede the success of your remediation or manifest into a severe infestation if you take a day or 3 to process what has happened here in your home. Consult an ethical professional and do your due diligence. Don't feel pressured to act hastily. Take your time and do it right the first time.

  • Factor 2

    Having Bed Bugs is binary, they are either there or they are not. That is why it is very important to get a neutral inspection done, either visually or with a K9. This is a harder task to accomplish than you might think. It is paramount that this inspection be objective. The way to secure objectivity is by not giving clues. Allow the inspection to be done unbiasedly. 

bed bug life cycle bed bug Preparation
  • Factor 3

    Bed Bug preparation is the most important  part of the extermination process. All clothing needs to be washed and dried or dry cleaned before packing items up for remediation. We alleviate this step with our thermal treatments. We can process all of your belongings from paper, books, area rugs, stuffed animals, children's toys, clothing, shoes, and just about anything you own. best part is we are a green organization. We do all this without any toxic chemicals, and we guarantee all of our work.

  • Factor 4

    If you, yourself have found a live bug or bugs, there is no reason to waste money on an inspection. You already know they are there.  Bed bugs do not travel in packs so if you find more than one there is a fertile female present. 

Bed Bug Facts bed bug preparation
  • Factor 5

    If using a K9 Inspection and the dog alerts to something in your home, that does not necessarily mean that you have a bed bug problem. The K9 is a tool that the inspector should use. It is not the do all or say all. A hammer can not build a house. The carpenter uses the hammer the same way an inspector should use the K9. 

    Repeat this line out loud: "The dog said I have bed bugs." Sounds silly, right? That's because it is. You should not take this as a thorough inspection. If the animal alerts to something, the inspector should then take out his flashlight AND INSPECT. This by definition is what you are retaining their services for.  If this not done, you have not gotten an inspection. Instead, someone just walked their dog around your home. 

  • Factor 6

    The smartest Lassie caliber level of intelligence in K9s, equals the mental capacity of a three year old child. Don't take our word for it, watch this video from Lou Sorkin, the head entomologist at the Museum of Natural History, here in NYC and the world's foremost expert on Bed Bugs on ABC's 20/20.
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bed bug preparation of a homeBed Bug Preparation NYCprepped closet bed bug preparation


We also prepare for Clothe Moths, Carpet Beetles, and even Hoarder cleanouts.
If something is bugging you we have you covered!

Hoard Removal service bed bug preparation
Clothing moth preparation
carpet beetle preparation


 Pest Prep will effectively prepare ANY situation with precision. It is important to anyone living in these conditions to be treated with care. What may look like a huge mess to anyone else, the piles of what seems to be trash is in most cases mentally  priceless to the individual living in it. It becomes a virtual hug in essence, or replacement of a lost loved one. Situations like this are usually caused by some type of traumatic experience. We understand this, and treat each troubled case with the care and professionalism all of our customers deserve. You can count on us to see these hard situations through keeping you or your family member safe.


Over the last decade of preparing homes and offices for bed bug remediation we have been contracted to help with severe moth remediation because of our attention to detail. Meticulously handling our customers belongings come with great responsibility. Our proven prep treatment using three different variations of heat will give you the confidence that your belongings are safe. More importantly once we get our instruction from any exterminator, it is our responsibility to execute them to the letter, which forces accountability on your pest control professional. The other added bonus to our thorough approach is we will be able to identify the source as we prepare for treatment. All pest control professionals will agree, that finding the source of a Moth infestation is the key to successful remediation.  Our advice is free and and a phone call away. We are here to help.


Preparing for extermination of carpet beetles and bed bugs involves similar steps due to the necessity of thorough cleaning and decluttering in affected areas. For both pests, it's crucial to vacuum extensively, focusing on carpets, upholstery, and areas where they are commonly found. Washing fabrics such as bedding, curtains, and clothing in hot water is also a common step, as high temperatures can kill these insects and their larvae. Additionally, both preparations may involve sealing cracks and crevices to prevent the pests from hiding or re-entering, and removing or isolating infested items to contain the infestation. While there are similarities, specific preparations can vary based on the extent of the infestation and the pest's unique behaviors and habitats.

commercial bed bug preparation
bed bug inspection


Preparing for bed bug extermination in commercial spaces involves a comprehensive approach due to the larger and more varied environments compared to residential settings. It's important to focus on deep cleaning and  decluttering of the entire space. This includes vacuuming and isolating all areas extensively, especially carpets, furniture, and any fabric surfaces, as bed bugs can hide in tiny crevices and folds. Additionally, ensuring that all linens, curtains, and fabric materials are processed using our heat treatments, as high temperatures can kill bed bugs.


Cutting edge fiber optic technology will give you the answers you need. We have the ability to give our customers insight that no other company can. We will be able to inspect areas that normally could not be seen from the surface. Our camera is equipped with a full HD color screen to see inside furniture, beds, and infrastructure of apartments, homes, or full apartment buildings.

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Professionally Done and Guaranteed!


Are you dealing with Bed Bugs? Our team of skilled technicians have you covered.
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1 (800) 284-7375

 Each situation is singular in nature, that's why we do same day, in home 


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